In today's digital age, our lives are as vibrant online as they are offline. From social media profiles to digital wallets, and from email contents to online business assets, the virtual footprint we leave behind is extensive and valuable. At Soteria Planning, we recognise that safeguarding these digital assets is a crucial part of contemporary estate planning. Here, we explore how to ensure your digital legacy is protected and passed on according to your wishes.

Understanding Digital Assets

Digital assets encompass a broad range of online accounts and digital files that are unique to you. These include, but are not limited to:

Social Media Accounts: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn

Digital Financial Accounts: PayPal, digital banking, cryptocurrency wallets

Online Businesses: E-commerce stores, blogs, affiliate programmes

Personal Data: Emails, digital photos, videos, online subscriptions

Creative Property: Digital artworks, music, ebooks, software

The first step in protecting these assets is to compile a comprehensive list. For many, the breadth of their digital estate is not fully appreciated until they begin cataloguing it.

Including Digital Assets in Your Will

Once identified, the next step is to ensure these assets are included in your will. This doesn’t mean listing passwords or sensitive information directly in the document—a practice that could compromise security. Instead, reference a secure document or digital tool where this information is kept and can be accessed by your executor.

At Soteria Planning, we recommend setting up a digital will or adding a digital executor to your traditional will. This person would be responsible for managing your online presence and ensuring your digital assets are distributed according to your wishes.

Legal Considerations

The law regarding digital assets is evolving, but there are general principles that can be followed:

Access vs. Ownership: Determine whether you own the content or merely have access to it (e.g., iTunes music).

Provider Agreements: Check the terms of service for each digital platform, as they often have specific rules about account transferability upon death.

Security and Privacy

Ensuring the privacy and security of digital assets is paramount. Use encrypted storage solutions to keep your digital legacy documentation safe. Regularly update your inventory and the accompanying access details, and ensure your executor knows how to securely access the information when needed.

The Role of Professional Advice

Given the complexities involved, professional guidance is often necessary to navigate the intricacies of digital estate planning. At Soteria Planning, our team is dedicated to understanding each client’s unique digital landscape and integrating it into a comprehensive estate plan.

Taking Action

Start today by documenting your digital assets and considering how you want them handled. Whether it’s closing accounts or transferring data to loved ones, your digital legacy is an integral part of your overall estate plan. Consult with a professional to ensure that your digital assets are effectively integrated into your will, providing peace of mind that your online life is as protected as your offline one.

For a consultation or more information on digital estate planning, feel free to reach out to our team at Soteria Planning. We’re here to help secure not just your physical assets, but your digital ones too.